Wednesday, 18 November 2015

Up and Running

So, I'm already two months into my second year at university. It's been a pretty crazy two months, and things are pretty hectic at the moment. I'm in uni five days a week, and I'm working on top of that. So far, so good though.

I've managed to bag myself another week of work experience in January at Stylist magazine. Safe to say I can't wait for that! It's crazy to think I'll be back in Essex in a months time, home for Christmas. Time just seems to be moving so fast, and it's pretty hard to keep up with it to be perfectly honest.

I've also found a new flat for next year, which I'm putting a deposit down on tomorrow. It'll be good to downsize a bit, and live with new people. As much as I love my house at the moment, I can't wait to move. Plus there's a communal gym in the building, which saves me having to make the decision to join one or not!

Something this past year has shown me though, is who your true friends really are. It's funny how people you considered good friends don't have a word to say as soon as you move away. A text every now and again wouldn't hurt, but hey, what can you do. I guess at the end of the day you're on your own, so may as well get used to it as soon as possible. That's easier said than done though when people from the past crop up, when really you'd wished they stayed just that.

When you're lonely and people try and get back in contact, it does mess with your head a bit. There are so many unanswered questions, that I merely don't have the time or energy to ask. Part of me doesn't really want to find out the answers, so there's no point in getting hurt in the process and dragging up old feelings. I guess I've realised its okay to outgrow people, and realise that you don't need them in your life. The friendship will never go back to what it was, and that's alright.

I definitely need to get my head down a bit though, and focus on the reason I've come to university in the first place. It's certainly time to start being a bit smarter with my money and studies, and stop going out so much. Don't get me wrong, I've had some amazing nights out these past two months, but they don't all end as well as they started, and it's time to slow it down a bit.

I recently turned 21, and had the most amazing day. All my family came down from Essex to see me, and we went out to lunch. It was so lovely to see them, and I can't thank them enough for it. A big night out with friends followed. I received so many lovely presents and cards too, which obviously just made the day better.

Just thought I'd do a little update, and have bit of a rant, as its 2am and I can't sleep. I also promised myself I'd do more updates on my blog, and stop neglecting it so much.

Sunday, 15 November 2015

Friday the 13th: Unlucky For Many.

My heart is heavy, and it aches because of the events that have happened over the past two days. It's safe to say that this Friday the 13th was certainly an unlucky one.

Its so heartbreaking that Paris and Lebanon were both targeted by IS terrorists, that sadly succeeded and destroyed so many lives within moments. All of those innocent people going about their daily lives, with so much potential and so many years to live, cut short because of terrorists trying to make some sort of a sadistic point.

All of those people never did get to go home and climb into their beds that evening, or tell their loved ones how much they cherished them. It's mindblowing how life can be cut short so quickly, with no inclination that it's about to happen. Those people had no idea what the terrorists had planned. Their fate was decided by the wrong people and they were merely in the wrong place at the wrong time.

What infuriates me is the sheer ignorance of people on social media at times like this. People are trying unite and come together as one, yet you get there sheer stupidity of people blaming things like this on Muslims. ALL MUSLIMS ARE NOT TERRORISTS. Terrorists have no religion, hence why they are referred to as terrorists! Why are people unable to grasp that concept? I saw something on Twitter that said "ISIS are to Islam what the KKK is to Christianity", and I could not think of a better way of saying it myself. I read about a Muslim taxi driver in Paris that had turned his meter off on Friday night, pleading to help people, but nobody would get in his taxi as he was a Muslim. His heart was broken, and he was trying to help get people to safety and reunite them with their loved ones, but because of people's ignorance they would not let him do that. When someone finally got in his cab, they wrote about their experience, and explained how he cried the whole journey saying it was not his fault, that these people did not represent his religion. How truly heartbreaking; a man trying all he can to help others rather than be with his own family in a time like that, yet people dismissed him purely because of his religion.

Reading Facebook statuses saying that the UK borders should have been shut years ago, and to stop letting refugees and Muslims in the country is just an example of my last point. I'm sorry, but I just cannot comprehend the logic of these comments. I honestly try and see things from others point of view, but this is ludicrous. Everyone has the right to believe in any religion they want, and should not be shunned because of it. Is it not clear that these extremists are the people the refugees are running from? Why do you think they have crossed water on dingy boats, putting their lives and their childrens lives in danger? So, instead of letting them into the country, send them back to theirs so they can deal with the pain and heartache Paris and Lebanon are dealing with after one night, yet they must deal with it on a daily basis?

Those that post "How will changing your Facebook picture to the French flag help?" etc, are missing the point. Clearly it is not going to help, but it may show those in Paris that see it that they are supported. Some people may have lost loved ones, or experienced traumatic things that evening, and it will provide comfort knowing that they are supported. I think everyone is well aware that IS will not look at Facebook, see the profile pictures, and think 'Oh shit, everyone supports Paris, lets stop'. Its merely to show the support people offer at this hard time. Don't sit there trying to have a 'different' opinion stating how ridiculous it is, and why you're not changing your picture. We do not care, you just look like a complete arsehole that misses the point entirely.

What has happened to compassion and humanity? In times like this, surely the world should unite against these extremists and come together, not pass the blame and 'get people out'. We must stand up against these terrorists. If the world unites, they will eventually be defeated.

I fear that this is not the end, this is just the beginning. IS appear to have become smarter, and stronger, and this will not silence them. They have released a statement taking responsibility for the attacks, and appear to be somewhat proud of themselves.

For the first time since 1889, the Eiffel Tower turned its lights off to mourn those that died in the horrific events of Friday evening. The city of light was darkened, yet the rest of the world lit up for them, showing their support, and emphasising that these extremists will not win. Landmarks around the world displayed the French flag to show Paris that they are supported and will overcome this heartbreak.