Apologies, AGAIN, for the time it's taken me to post! Things have been so hectic, and I honestly lost track of time. How awful - the last time I wrote a post was this time last year.
Okay, so my life has changed quite a bit between now and then! I've got a new job, turned 22, got myself a boyfriend, and went into my third year at university. That all happening within the space of a year is quite a lot to take in. I stayed in Southampton over summer rather than returning home, and managed to work full time.
Things this term have been pretty stressful, deadlines that came around far too quickly, and now I've got the added stress of my dissertation. Working a lot over the weekend isn't a help, but bills need to be paid somehow!
So, I've decided to start a new blog. I've always really been into make up, and I think I'll actually regularly update a make up one (so I say!), so that's my New Years resolution! I got loads for Christmas and have been investing in a lot lately, so have a few posts lined up already. Fingers crossed I actually manage to motivate myself and find time to do it! I love doing these blog posts, but this blog doesn't actually have a theme or anything, and I find it hard to find things to write about without sounding like I'm constantly criticising something.
Christmas and New Years has been amazing having two weeks off of work, however quite hectic! Alex's mum is from Liverpool, so we spent Christmas there, then came back to Essex to see my family and his dad over the New Years. Off back to Southampton and reality tomorrow. How were your Christmas' and New Years?
When the new blog is up and running, I'll post a link on here, in case anybody wants a read!