Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Eating Disorders: My Opinion

Yesterday, I read an article that personally, I find really quite shocking.

It's called '5 Reasons To Date A Girl With An Eating Disorder.' The article is written by a journalist under the name of 'Tuthmosis', and he literally lists five reasons why dating a girl that has an eating disorder is beneficial for a man.

The five reasons are 'Her obsession over her body will improve her overall looks ', 'She costs less money', 'She's fragile and vulnerable', 'Probably has money of her own' and 'She's better in bed.' These are the subheadings and he then expands on these headers with reasons as to why this is a benefit.

I find this really quite disgraceful. Eating disorders are a serious issue, and he has glamorised it into something that is to be desired in a person. Eating disorders can have horrific side effects and can harm a persons body with irreversible consequences. Bulimia can potentially cause tearing of the oesophagus, which is caused by self-inflicted vomiting. Muscle atrophy can potentially be caused which is the wasting away of muscle and decrease in muscle mass due to the body feeding off of itself.  Anorexia can potentially result in infertility, or problems during pregnancy. There have even been cases of suicide as a result of eating disorders.

I have had the misfortune to witness a friend that has had an eating disorder, and to see it first hand brings to reality the seriousness of the situation. Thankfully, she overcame her eating disorder; however, two years later is still affected by what it did to her.

I feel this article is absolutely vile, and do not understand how a person can have such views on the subject. Eating disorders cannot be sugar-coated to be a good thing, and this is a sheer encouragement for girls to develop eating disorders. Some girls may read this article and genuinely believe what is written. With articles like this, it is no wonder that eating disorders are increasing. 3800 people, males and females, within the past four years have been admitted to hospital due to eating disorders. Cases during that time increased by almost 10%.

I feel strongly about eating disorders as I have been asked numerous times as to whether I have one or not. I used to work as a part-time waitress and often had comments asking if I ever actually ate anything., customers 'have numbers I could call regarding my issue', how would I know what the food tasted like as I 'clearly hadn't tried it', I'm 'stick thin', look at the size of me and more. As I was at work, I had to remain professional, and could not retaliate, but I hated comments like that. They happened regularly so in the end I got used to them; but it does not take away from the fact that they are unacceptable and cannot be asked purely because I have a slim figure. I don't understand how somebody can have the audacity to question another's health because of their figure, especially when at work. At first, I found it difficult to not say anything back and question why they thought they could ask such personal questions; but in the end, I got used to the comments and was no longer shocked by some of the things that were said to me.

Eating disorders are serious illnesses that do not need chauvinistic pigs like this glamorising them and taking away the seriousness of them. More awareness is still needed to emphasise the sheer severity of eating disorders, and articles like this are merely unnecessary. I understand people are entitled to their own opinions, but feel this is a step too far and screams desperation for readers. Of course, this article has had a lot of attention due to the content, but that is to be expected when it is so controversial.


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